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Our Mission is clear. To give voice to all Americans that contribute to this great country. The consumer drives this great economy and the diversity of our communities.  We want to give voice to each person, and allow a soapbox for the average American or those with well researched opinions, as well as a venue for posting your complaints.  We intend to view and advocate for those with valid compliants when you cannot be heard through proper channels. We may stand on either side of the current, like the AC DC current which is alternating, we are bipartisan. Welcome To America's Choice for the Discerning Citizen (ACDC) Team!

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Writers and bloggers wanted
Left Wing, Right Wing, or Independent, Black, Brown, Yellow, or White, Gay, Straight or Gender Neutral. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD ! Please submit in 250 words or less any topic of your choice. All views welcome.All submissions are subject to rules and regulations of ACDC TODAY. (Please no profanity, vulgarity, or racial Slurs).


Protest At AT&T Stadium

  Walk until I'm Black and Blue

           event coming soon

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Breaking News

We all have the Right to VOTE !

CALL TO ACTION ! and Ernest Debbie Walker are asking for volunteers to visit the county jails in Dallas County to REGISTER PRISONERS AWAITING TRIAL AND HAVE NOT BEEN CONVICTED OF ANY CRIME YET. They have the right to exercise their RIGHT TO VOTE WHILE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.



CALL 2146533450 and ask new Sheriff Marian Brown if her inmates are being REGISTERED TO VOTE AND IF SO HOW CAN THEY CAST THEIR VOTE ?
Many Great Men and Women have had their fight with justice or the lack of the same. It is not how you go in but how you come out.

To Volunteer please email us @

or inbox me on face book

Navy Veteran and Wife Attacked/Choke Hold by Apartment Management after asking about car being towed

CHOKE HOLDS are banned in many law enforcement communities, Security Overstepped his boundaries  to Navy Veteran and family, who must Immediately uproot and find a new place to live. They need money to pay Moving, towing impound fees, bail expenses, legal expenses, l  

...Here is the story...After Navy Veteran and his wife filed the following City of Dallas Code complaint against the Vineyards at the Ranch Apartments in Dallas, TX for black mold and water damage that they have lived with for months on December 22, 017 (see email receipt below) From: Date: Dec 22, 2017 3:45 PM Subject: Department of Code Compliance Service Request Confirmation  Thank you for contacting the City of Dallas to report your concerns regarding - 9350 SKILLMAN ST 26 3 2618, DALLAS, TX 75243. Your SR # - 17-00606592 has been assigned to the Department of Code Compliance. The initial response to this Service Request is 7 days with an approximate completion time frame of 60 days.  In the event this Service Request should be addressed by another City department, your request will be forwarded to the appropriate office for response. Please note that the response time for your concern may be extended due to the change in the service type.  

The Vineyard at the Ranch apartments begin to retaliate against the  Veteran and his wife by harrasisng the couple and ultimately having their car towed for no good reason at 0324 am, while they slept from working long hours. Per their report, they were referred to as thugs, uncivil, them thugs and Niggers, also walking into their apartment bedroom unannounced on Brittney while undressed, staring at her breasts, harrassing her on several times, standing by her car staring at her breasts It has been rumored that th owner of the complex are trying to get rid of Black tenants to make way for GENTRIFICATION and higher rents with the influx of people moving to Dallas area.  

When they went to the management office during business hours to discuss the issue,  the staff blew them off. When they inquired as to the laws surrounding the tow,  he was repeatedly assaulted by the apartment security, begging to stop, please stop, while he sat in the chair, and his wife was assaulted as well, and her phone was snatched from her twice while she recorded. Then her husband was jumped on by 3 additional men in the office, one who later taunted them by licking out his tongue. Rather than resolving the issue, the complex had them both arrested with FALSE charges, thrown in jail, lost time from work, and now they have to disrupt their life and have to immediately move.  Their rent was paid up to date at the time of incident for record.  They were issued a 24 hour notice to vacate on today. OUTRAGE!!!!???? 

Please contact The Vineyards at the Ranch 214.341.9591 and

DFW CPSI Security at 469.249.9288 to voice your Outrage.


Rally For Solidarity 
Speech By: Ernest Walker

Al Woolum, Corey Hughes, Ernest Walker, Lee Merritt

Min. Dominique Alexander calls for Community Press Conference after shootung in Waco, Texas.

Click Picture for Video

NGAN Holds Press Conference

Grand Prairie Man Permanently Disfigure after being profiled by Grand Praire, TX Police Department

39 year-old Barnes was questioned by an officer who said he looked suspicious while standing in front of a corner store around 12PM. After enduring half an hour of questioning while sitting on the hot pavement outside of the store, Barnes gets up to leave. While walking away from the officer toward his near by apartment, Barnes is tasered in the back and looses consciousness. He comes to in the back of an ambulance with severe scarring across his face and left and right arms. Barnes is not placed under arrest or charged with any crimes. Witnesses say police have scene immediately scrubbed of blood evidence and family was told there was no incident report from the event.

Coming Soon!

The Original Sandra Bland meet
 David Carol Walker Hung 1975 by Dallas Police 

David Carol Walker was walking about 12:10 on Thursday, March 20, 1975. David was arrested on the side of Carl's Supermarket on Foreman and Frank St. by police officers K.G. Brooker, badge No. 2968, Officer W.A. McBee and W.A. Burrows. First it was said by the officers that they were answering a burglary call. Then the owner of the store stated that no alarm was tripped and that the store had not been burglarized nor was there any indication of even an attempt to enter the store by anyone. Now DPD Internal Affairs came up with a different version. Instead of a robbery, they say that David Walker was swinging on the window bars on the side of the store. They said he had no shirt on when arrested. There was blood smeared on the wall of the store where the arrest took place and the blood belonged to David Walker. We believe that David was beaten and thrown up against the wall before he was handcuffed and place in the squad car.

Several witnesses and even the police report states that David Walker jumped from the car while still in cuffs and ran for about 20 Yards (we belive in fear for his life). then they say he fell because his betless pants came down and tripped him up causing injuries to David. A witness stated that the officers used a night stick to choke David Walker and while under his throat they raised him up still choking him under his throat. Wtness say that he went limp as if dead. The officers dragged him back to the squad car. One cop yelled " I busted my trousers running after this Fucking Nigger." Witnesses stated that they kicked a beat him repeatedly. Around 2am Davids mother recieved a call from David saying that he was in jail and was hurt. It is possible that the police had another inmate make that call because the voice was not clear. Davids mother called back to the station asking that they give David a doctor or medical attention. The jailer stated that there was no David Carol Walker in the Jail. 

About 5am an officer arrived at the mothers home and told her that her son had hung himself in jail using his belt and that he was dead. They said that he did it inside a phone booth. Then once tehy realized that one of the reports stated that he had no belt. thye changed the story to he used a pair of socks to hang himself. Then that story changed to his shirt sleeves. Nevertheless Internal Affairs never brought closure to this case. Dispite efforts by the Local Black Panther Party answers were never given. Sounds similar to Sandra Bland.

Commerce Chief Resigns

FW FMR Judge Maryellen Hicks, Deborah Walker (ACDCTODAY.COM

Miss Black Texas Carmen Ponder and Civil Rights Attorney Lee Merritt

Ernest and Debbie Pray for Chief Crews Supporter

Attorney Lee Merritt Miss Black Texas and Ernest Walker of ACDCTODAY.COM

Ernest Walker participates as PGR gives certificate to the family

Military Veteran Actvist Ernest Walker is Captured by Dallas Morning News Saluting the remains of Seaman First Class George Coke Jr.

March to End Police Brutality
A Success !

Ernest Walker, The Family of Jordan Edwards, Civil Rights Attoney Lee Merritt, Omar Sueiman and Michael Waters at Rally

Still No #JusticeForJordanEdwards


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